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The Grover Norquist Show

Dec 9, 2016

President Obama’s labor regulations placed posed a serious threat to worker freedom in the United States. Now, with President-elect Trump and a Republican Congress, these regulations will be repealed, the future of independent contractors will be protected, and businesses can continue to create jobs. Mr....

Dec 2, 2016

In Episode 68 of The Grover Norquist show, Grover sits down with ATR’s Justin Sykes to discuss the Department of Labor’s (DOL) fiduciary rule, a rule that places the federal government between Americans and their retirement savings, and is a cornerstone of Obama’s regulatory regime. 

Estimates show that the rule...

Nov 16, 2016

With the Election Day behind us, Americans have a lot to look forward to. In episode 67 of The Grover Norquist Show, Grover reminds us that the voters:

  • Rejected Hillary Clinton’s $1 trillion in tax hikes,
  • Elected a Congress and President that will repeal Obamacare’s $1 trillion in taxes and failed policy
  • Will get...

Nov 11, 2016

With the election finally over, what can taxpayers expect from the new Congress? In his latest podcast, ATR President Grover Norquist explains how Tuesday's results provide real opportunities for tax reform, repealing Obamacare, and reforming government. After eight years of tax hikes, taxpayers can finally expect to...

Nov 2, 2016

In episode 65 of The Grover Norquist Show, ATR President Grover Norquist discusses the liberal hypocrisy of the death tax. Liberals tax you left and right, and then when you die, they make sure they hit you one final time. In Hillary Clinton’s tax hike plan, she proposed a death tax rate that would hit 65%, and in...